

Detective investigation

Investigations are carried out on various requests from customers. Let’s start with the basic, which customers often turn to Private Detective “Detective-PIC”.

In the first place it is safe to put the investigation related to the theft of property at home, vintage items, big money, and of course, since we’re living in the 21st century – century, all sorts of gadgets, public places: how the loss of their carelessness or negligence and theft!

We conduct investigations related to the fraudsters. Unfortunately, scammers use the trust of people and in different forms fraudulently take possession of your property: it may be money, movable or immovable property. We are investigating, we direct help for the swindler, establish his involvement in a prior fraudulent acts. The investigation sets reasons for the fraudster to take this step. Based on the investigations practices associated with crooks, they often go to the contact, so to say to the world, and agree to give money fraudulently taken possession of that the customer has withdrawn his application to law enforcement authorities or has withdrawn a lawsuit in court. You can state the fact that the investigation of collected materials will be sufficient to evidence in court!

We conduct investigations related to your children. For example, what prompted your child to steal money from home, does not sleep at home, why he/she contacted the bad company, does not attend school or university (college), whether drugs or alcohol consume. Again, the investigation establishes that prompted the child to take this step. In practice, there were cases that the children were in all sorts of sects. Our Detective agency“Detective-PIC” has got a great experience in investigations related to the way of life of your children.

We conduct investigations to identify the false bride. Recently, a popular type of fraud is the virtual image of the bride in the Internet, in order to deceive and then seize your cash. In the World Wide Web, there are many online dating sites on social networks, which under the guise of attractive girls work really crooks or women who use unsuspecting men. Investigating the false bride has two options: the first is when you first met and I doubt that it is the girl who presents herself in front of you. Here, we investigate and inform you that in front of you really a crook or a girl who wants to meet you for further meetings; the second version of the investigation, when the fraudster took your trust and you have listed a certain amount of money and, consequently, it has disappeared from the Internet space and deleted the account. In this case, do not despair, our specialists have enough resources to install a rogue on the data that you provide to investigate. Of course, it is desirable as much information to the occurred situation!


Verification of Ukrainian Marriage Certificates

Are you in a relationship with someone from Ukraine and have doubts about their marital status? Or perhaps you’re conducting a background check for legal or personal reasons. Whatever your situation, Detectivchik can help you verify Ukrainian marriage certificates quickly and accurately. We Will Help You Authenticate Ukrainian Marriage Certificates At Detectivchik, we understand the […]


Check Ukrainian Passport

In today’s digital age, it’s easier than ever for scammers to forge official documents like passports and ID cards. That’s why it’s crucial to verify the authenticity of these documents, especially when dealing with international relationships or legal matters. At Detectivchik, we offer a fast and inexpensive way to check Ukrainian passports and ID cards. […]


Verification of Ukrainian Woman or Man from Online Dating Sites

It’s important to know who you’re really talking to, In the world of online dating today. Whether you’ve met a Ukrainian woman or man on a dating site, you want to communicate via WhatsApp or email, Detectivchik can help you verify their identity. Identify Your Date, So You Can Be Sure Who You Are Really […]


Carrying out test purchases (Mystery shopper)

Carrying out test purchases (Mystery shopper)     Mystery shopper – type of marketing research aimed at assessing the process of customer service with the use of specially trained people (mystery shoppers). Сarrying out checks on behalf of potential / actual customers, and detailed reports on the results of inspections. Private detective “Detective-PIC” not only […]


Genealogical tree ( family tree)

Genealogical tree ( family tree)   Today is increased the interest to the history of our kin, family, surname. Ukrainians are building a new democratic and free society for which historically is the main attribute of freedom of information, freedom of knowledge of the world and oneself, the freedom of access to many archival documents. […]


Checking the lifestyle of children

Checking the lifestyle of children In the daily hustle and bustle often there is not enough time for careful attention to your child. At work, parents spend most of the day, and the son or daughter are busy at this time, can only guess. Trusts allow the family to worry about what a child skips […]


Identifying fake bride

Identifying fake bride In recent years, common method of fraud was the extortion of funds by means of marriage fraud. After dating sites or e-mail the person conditionally called false brides, grooms acquainted with the future, and develop virtual communication, and then require a certain amount of money for various overheads. That is why, not […]


Corporate investigation with the introduction of an employee

Corporate investigation with the introduction of an employee Today, corporate investigations have become an integral part of the range of services of the Private detective agency “Detective-PIC” whose employees are attracted to the solution of the existing problems with competitors, theft in the workplace, a betrayal of the interests of business, being prepared or committed […]