Guarantees Detective

Guarantees Detective


Detective Agency “Detective-PIC” guarantees:


  1. Confidentiality of information. The data obtained by us during the work, and shall not be disclosed to any third parties.
  2. High-quality execution of work and high level of professionalism – the main criterion for selection of our detective agency.
  3. Efficiency in the performance of any work – one of the trump cards of our agency.
  4. Professional detective approach to business – our motto.
  5. Our detectives are different executive and binding, which is very pleasing our customers.


Private detective guarantees:


– Integrity of our detectives

– Complete privacy information

– Professionalism of all of our detective agency

– The quality of the work performed by our detectives

– Efficiency in work

– Executive


The responsibility for the disclosure of information

The responsibility for the disclosure of information Disclosure – the responsibility for disclosing information: Recourse to the detective is based on personal trust. The source of this confidence can only be a personal acquaintance, reviews and fame. 2. Information on the location of the detective permitted to the extent that it provides the necessary information. […]


Royalties of the detective

Royalties of the detective   Honorarium policy of the Detective agency “Detective-PIC”:   The detective is entitled to receive royalties due to him as a reward for the work performed, as well as reimbursement of costs incurred and expenses. The condition of the fee detective should not call into question the independence of the detective. […]


Detective`s corporate solidarity

Detective`s corporate solidarity Relationship between the detectives should be based on mutual respect, unconditional politeness, attention and assistance to each other. Detective receiving the case from a colleague should be aware that any previous detective owed whatever the amount, the new detective should try to resolve this issue. The order of the proceedings against the […]


Conflict of interest detective

Conflict of interest detective:   The detective can be an advisor, advocate or representative of several parties in the same case, and can only contribute to the reconciliation of the parties. In the group case detectives are required to jointly discuss the position on the case, trying to find a common line of action, finding […]


Principal to the detective

Principal to the detective Detective Relationship with clients:   Crime should maintain its independence in the relationship with the client. The law, duty and conscience in the detective profession are above the will of the principal. No suggestions, requests or directions of the principal aimed at the non-compliance with the law or breach of duty […]


Basics morality detectives

Basics morality detectives:   Detective is the bearer of the idea of law, the rule of law and respect for the rights of others. Detective must accept a commission to conduct the case, if it contains any doubts, do not exclude the possibility of reasonably and in good conscience support it and carry on to […]


Professional secret of the detective

Professional secret  of the detective:   Trust to the detective can not be without keeping the secrecy. Professional secrecy is universal and has no statute of limitations. Crime can not be relieved of his or her principal or the authorities or anyone else. The rules of professional secrecy shall apply to: the content of the […]


Independent detective

Independent detective The independence of the detective: The premise of confidence to the detective is his personal and professional independence. Any submission prevents the execution of professional duties detective. The detective must not engage in such activities, which subjects it to anyone or make dependent. In the election of means and methods in their work […]


Confidence of the detective

Confidence of the detective The principle of confidence to the detective:   The detective`s activity is based on  provided confidence. Protect the credibility of the dignity of his rank – is the main duty of a detective. Under no circumstances detective has no right to violate the trust placed in him. Any detective action aimed […]


Detective work

Acquaint with the principles of working Detective agency “Detective-PIC”:   – A private detective never transmit or disclose the information to third parties – You will always be able to get acquainted with the real prospects of the case, we do not introduce their clients misled – A private detective is not working with clients […]